Reflecting on some major themes in the Turned Parts industry, companies are reinvesting in their future but not investing in the same old technology. Learn more!
Reflecting on some major themes evident underway in the Turned Parts (screw machine products) industry, there is no question that surviving companies are reinvesting in their future but not investing in the same old technology. While machine tool builders of CNC machines are backlogged with customers waiting for delivery, the last surviving US screw machine builder of cam machines, Davenport Machine, has not sold a single machine this year. Fortunately for them, their repair parts sales are robust and generating strong revenue.
Our industry is hiring again and employee training is commonly a high priority among member companies. Conference session related to workforce development and employee training were among the best attended with company after company reporting business constraints associated with the availability of skilled talent. Programs were among the various session topics offered and we were surprised to see Cox Manufacturing Company was one of the few companies attending that already had a program in place.