After running Jace Precision for 42+ years, Ed Ryan & Charlie Haeberle made the decision to sell their Swiss screw machine products operation to Cox Mfg. Learn more!
After running Jace Precision in Morristown, New Jersey, together for over 42 years, Ed Ryan at 84 and Charlie Haeberle at 76 have made the decision to move on and sell their Swiss screw machine products operation. Cox Manufacturing Company has acquired all their machinery, tooling, and inventory. Starting March 1, 2010, all Jace customers will be served from the Cox facility in San Antonio, Texas.
Jace Precision has a proud history of supplying some of the most demanding Swiss screw machine products with a track record of excellent quality and delivery and mirrors the standards at Cox Manufacturing.
Cox will also be maintaining the Jacepin products in stock to support customer orders from inventory.
Bill Cox (left), President of Cox Mfg. Co., and Art Raynes (right), V.P. of Business Development, close the deal with Charles and Ed (centered left to right).